Ever since I started with this passion for drawing hands are been one of the most difficult subject. Here is a sketch of a hand I drew recently, it is a very dynamic gesture.
This pose has a very dynamic rhythm and at the same time is very static and rigid. Very cool pose, I think it needs some more work on it, but I didn't want to overwork it.
This is another quick pose from the drawing sessions. These poses are very short, so you don't really have much time too work on them, but I think is a good exersice to force me to loosen up a little and pay more attention to the general masses, angles, and proportions rather than concentrate on accurate anatomy or details. Eventually I will start working in longer poses again with the intention of produce a more polished drawing.
I did this sketch a few months ago, I though this pose was every interesting in the way the hips break creating a harmonic the rhythm and balance on the figure.
Here is another Figure drawing, this one is from a few months ago, I had it in a drawer and decided to post it up and share it. This was kind of a complicated pose, because of the angle I was standing and the contortion of the model. It was a quick pose so you can see a lot of the initial geometrical construction of the drawing. Until next one
This is another drawing from my sketch. The challenge here was to capture the sense of balance of the figure. I'm pretty content with the result, what do you think?
It's been a while since my last post, honestly I though it was going to be easier to have a daily post, but now I realized that is not and now I admire even more those colleagues out there keeping their blogs up to date. Anyway I started to go back to a open figure drawing section close by. Here is a quick pose from a couple of week ago. I promise I will post again soon.
I've always been amazed with portraits, so I decided to give it a try. This is one of my first attempts, I'm not completely satisfied with the result, but I think is a good start. I'll be doing more of this type of sketches soon and posting them for your feedback.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
This is a poster studio of the cast, it was done very quickly, about 20 min. The point is to have a quick idea of where the warm and cool grays are on the cast. I will use it a guidance for when I start the actual painting.
This is a drawing from my sketch book. I did a few weeks ago from a magazine advertise. I really like the pose, I found very interesting the angles on the arm and hand. It was a fun exercise.
The main goal of this blog is to create a space where I can share on a daily basis my illustrations, sketches, and paintings as well as showing the process, ideas and concepts behind each piece.
The reason for this is to get feed back from you, the fellow artists in the field, the spectators, the critics. I would love to hear your comments.
Through this exercise I intend to challenge myself to improve the level of my art and my skills while nurturing from your inside, advice and suggestions.
Thanks for visiting and come back!
Emerson (EMO) Calderon.